Wednesday, June 20, 2012

...and his name is not Obama, it's President Barack Obama.

They call him "Obama", "Mr. Obama", "Boy" and everything instead of his rightful title as President Barack Obama, President of the United States or Commander In Chief.  They have disrespected him and his family with caricatures of monkeys, clowns and Hitler for entertainment.  The disrespect of President Barack Obama is unprecedented.

Are you tired of the blatant disrespect and absurd racist rhetoric constantly hurtled at President Barack Obama?  Guess what, it doesn't stop there.  The same disrespect has been shown to our beautiful charismatic First Lady, Michelle Obama, as well.  We know there will always be people who hate those different from themselves.  It's unfortunate so many of them happen to be folks that represent the country, our elected officials.  Their behavior has been hateful, despicable and an embarrassment to the country.  

Never before has a sitting president endured such relentless disrespect.  We all know what's driving this venomous hatred.  Let's be honest, it’s obviously President Obama's race.  I am thoroughly disgusted, outraged and sick of the demeaning disrespect shown to President Obama and our First Family.  In case you've been living under a rock, here are a few examples of some of the malicious disrespect and absurdities in question:
To add insult to injury, television and radio has a full cast of characters apparently hired to promote hate and ignorance.  A few years ago I wrote about a few of these characters in 'Hate Speech at the Podium'.  

This insanity has gotten way out of control, is shameful and it has to stop.  Instead of 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians' we need to be keeping up with this toxic political environment.  We also need to be cognizant of what the Republican Presidential candidate stands for and how your life would be impacted if he is allowed to win the 2012 Presidential election.  Trust me, 'Romney Economics' and the Republican Agenda won't be pretty. 

The Presidential Election is right around the corner and there's a lot at stake.  It's about to get even uglier.  You can bet they'll be throwing all kinds of 'Hail Mary Passes', obstacles and distractions to undermine President Obama's credibility as November draws near and their desperation intensifies (e.g. The GOP witch hunt against Attorney General, Eric Holder).

We need to send these folks a resounding message to let them know their behavior is not acceptable and will not be tolerated!  Let's hold them accountable for their behavior and inaction at the polls.  Please do whatever you need to do to make sure you're fired up and ready to hit the voting booth in November.  Visit the 'Voter Registration Help' section in the sidebar column (on the right) for information on all aspects of voting.  

Okay, I'm done venting...for the moment.

~  JJBlogster  ~